Relationship Help

Is your relationship in trouble?

Are you bickering most of the time, or the opposite, have you grown so distant you could be living separate lives?

Is your partner refusing to go to couples therapy with you?

Are you considering divorce or separation?

Happy Couple Hugging If you want lasting love,make a deal breaker list.

If you are looking for help right now, sign up to watch my free one hour webinar training on avoiding and fixing the six signs of divorce:

Click here to receive free access to the training.

For over 15 years I have helped couples in the Jacksonville, Florida area in crisis to strengthen and save their love relationships. Most couples who seek counseling are in already in major trouble and see counseling as a last ditch attempt to save their relationship. For this reason, we will not spend weeks on end trying to learn "communication skills" and "active listening" because this traditional couples counseling approach DOES NOT WORK. Luckily, I know what does work, and it doesn't take forever or require you both to endure months on end of couples therapy that is unlikely to help you anyway.

Imagine this future...

Reigniting the excitement and passion for your partner that you had when you first started dating within a matter of WEEKS, even if you are feeling hopeless

Gaining powerful relationship skills that you can use for the rest of you life, together, and also with your children.

Being in a love relationship that will be the envy of others for years to come

You will gain all of this & more in my 8 week personalized couples coaching course!

This course is a concentrated training on the science and love of creating and maintaining a health and loving relationship. I'll teach and coach you on the methods taught by Drs. John and Julie Gottman that will clearly show you how to:

  • Nurture respect, affection and closeness with your partner every day.
  • Keep conflict discussions calm every time.
  • Build and share a deeper connection.
  • Break through and resolve conflict gridlock easily and quickly.
  • Strengthen your emotional bond to become and stay best friends.
  • Ignite the sexual fire in your relationship, even if you think it has gone out!
  • By investing in your relationship at this 8 week course, you will:
  • See a huge decrease in fighting within a matter of days.
  • Experience a dramatic increase in feelings of connectedness, intimacy and passion within a matter of weeks.
  • Build a love relationship that will be the envy of others and be able to use the skills I teach you long after the course is over.
  • Have lots of FUN in this course. The sessions will be fun, the homework is fun, and the results are fun!

Woman kissing Man's forehead

Are you still not sure if this course is right for you? Here are some common question other couples have shared with me:

1.How does the couples coaching process work in your practice?

  • I do not use the "traditional approach" to couples counseling, which focuses on learning active listening and communication skills while the therapist takes weeks or months to "observe" and comment on the couples' progress (which is often slow or nonexistent). Most couples are at the point of breaking up when they seek counseling and are desperate to stop fighting, lying to each other, bickering over sex, children and/or money (these are the three major issues that break up marriages and relationships!).
  • If you come for all eight weeks of the course, and do all of the assigned homework, your fighting, distancing and hopelessness will stop! Most couples (and therapists, believe it or not!), do not know about the Gottman method, which is the ONLY relationship saving method that has been proven to work by hundreds of hours of testing and research.
  • There's even more good news... this is NOT couples counseling. In fact, you do not need to discuss (i.e. fight), "hash out", or beat to death, the existing problems in your relationship in the course or in front of me at the office. Believe it or not, this revolutionary method will not only save your relationship in a matter of weeks, but it's actually FUN! The sessions are fun, the homework is fun, and the results are fun.

2. Who is this course for?

This course is for all couples in a committed relationship who want to strengthen their relationship including:

  • Engaged couples
  • Couples in crisis
  • Married couples
  • Couples looking to reignite their passion
  • Couples looking to take the next step in their relationship

I provide couples and relationship coaching and counseling in person in the Jacksonville, Ponte Vedra Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Fleming Island and San Marco areas in Florida. But I also work with couples from all over the country over Skype or over the phone.

If you are in a relationship and suffering from emotional abuse, domestic violence or substance abuse, this class may not be appropriate. I encourage you to contact me for personal counseling sessions.

3. How do we know this course will work?

  • This course is backed by years of scientific research.
  • I'm a certified Gottman coach.
  • Think about the money you will save on counseling that doesn’t work.
  • You will also be making a commitment to each other by financially investing in the course.
  • You get personalized attention from me, a licensed therapist.
  • You get a payment plan option.
  • You receive a FREE 30 minute phone or Skype consult with me to ask any additional questions about your personal situation.

4. We're looking for pre-marital counseling and we're not in crisis. Will this course work for us too?

  • Absolutely! This program works for all couples, those in crisis, those who want to improve their already happy relationships, those who want pre-marital counseling.

5. This seems too good to be true. We’ve been fighting for months and may break up. How can you help us turn our relationship around in only 8 weeks?

  • The Gottman method has helped thousands of couples just like you to dramatically improve their relationships. It is backed up by hundreds of hours of research, unlike other couples counseling approaches.

6. Do we need a diagnosis?

  • Absolutely not. We do not submit to insurance, so your coaching is totally private and there is no need for a diagnosis of either person. This is a course that focuses on your strengths as individuals and as a team. The aim is to help you feel strong and hopeful, not to put you into a category that makes you feel "sick" and troubled. There is no need to diagnose either one of you.

7. Why do we need you to coach us?

  • A great coach is smart, well-trained, experienced, intuitive, committed and fully invested in your success as a couple - as well as being a great listener and totally non-judgmental.

Working with a coach of this caliber is worth it because:

  • You will experience measurable, positive results in a short period of time.
  • Coaching focuses on process not problems — once learned, it's yours forever.
  • Coaching focuses on goals so you see immediate results.
  • Paying for quality coaching is incentive to complete the entire course.
  • It forces you to take responsibility for your actions.
  • A coach can point out habits, behaviors, and attitudes that have held you back or impaired your judgement.
  • Coaching is a team effort and fun.
  • You’re accountable to an objective third party.
  • It works! - That's why so many top athletes, business owners and celebrities hire coaches!

A Healthy Relationship is Priceless

The Gottman method has helped thousands of couples just like you to dramatically improve their relationships for a LIFETIME! It is backed up by hundreds of hours of research, unlike other couples counseling approaches. It works and I know it can work for you!

In just 8 weeks, you can save thousands of dollars, years of fighting and learn skills you can use for the rest of your life!

I only work with 20couples a year and spots will fill up fast!

Schedule your FREE 30 minute phone or Skype consult or request an appointment

Contact our team at River Shores Counseling by calling 904-737-3232!

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