Help for Eating Disorders

 Do you feel like you'll never have a normal relationship with food and your body?  

Are having trouble finding eating disorder treatment or a qualified eating disorder therapist in your town?

Have you tried other doctors and therapists for eating disorder counseling who either didn't understand your eating issues, or worse, blamed you for them? 

Do you worry constantly about food, weight and calories? 

Do you avoid relationships and isolate yourself because of food and weight? 

Has someone you care about told you she makes herself throw up and you don't know how to help?

Do you hate your body and have trouble socially or in your love relationships as a result?   

Can You Relate?

If you have found this website, you or someone you love has probably been living with a secret. Whether you have been living with it for a few weeks or for many, many years, it has probably become a burden you (or they) can no longer bear. An eating disorder is a secret that steals your life, kidnaps you from your family and loved ones, and replaces your personality with an ongoing obsession. This may be the first time you are trying to find help; or maybe you have tried many times before but nothing has worked. You may be searching for treatment for yourself, or for someone you love – your daughter or son, your parent, your spouse, a close relative, a friend. You are probably feeling overwhelmed and confused by the many different options for treatment or frustrated by being unable to find treatment that works.

What you know is that you want to stop, but you don’t know how.  

We Can Help

My name is Lori Osachy, MSS, LCSW, and I want to live in a world that is free from diet culture, body image obsession, and eating disorders. My advice is regularly featured in print news, radio and television, and I have been helping people recover from eating problems for over twenty years.

Don't suffer for one minute longer!

Call me personally at 904-737-3232 or email me at [email protected] and I will be in touch right away.

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